Today we had our first game today!!! I had to wake up at 7:30...for opening ceremonies, it was cold and I was tired. Then I went to my grandmas and stayed at her house until one. She made us some real good food:) Then at one we went home and got ready and then we were ready to get going! We played really good today and I was soooooo excited!!!! So we were playing and all and having fun and junk, I even scored one:) but we didnt win which i thouht was ooooooooooooook! My legs were sore and im tired but now im all good:)
Came to live and love on March 6, 1997 brown hair, green eyes Living Life at its Fullest Great friend Puts God as #1 BRITTNEY aka Other Fruziny Girl
Saturday, March 27, 2010
*First Softball Game*
Today we had our first game today!!! I had to wake up at 7:30...for opening ceremonies, it was cold and I was tired. Then I went to my grandmas and stayed at her house until one. She made us some real good food:) Then at one we went home and got ready and then we were ready to get going! We played really good today and I was soooooo excited!!!! So we were playing and all and having fun and junk, I even scored one:) but we didnt win which i thouht was ooooooooooooook! My legs were sore and im tired but now im all good:)
Friday, March 19, 2010
*Today and Tommorow:))*
Had a good day at school! Then I had a lot of fun at the Rams soccer game:)Had fun hanging out with good friends but cant wait till tommorow. I have a big day tommorow me and my bestie Morgan Pless are going to watch The Ring and I cant wait!!! Im also going to my little sisters, Dayna, little AWANA games thing. Hope her group does good! Morgans sister, Camryn, is also doing it. I am so happy that I have such great friends and family:) We are also going to get a new computer!! Well thats all for now:))
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Had a really good day today!! I even had fun in Music which is really amazing because this boy named Caine Overton kept on making the teacher like idk and we are trying to go over this test and it is 25 questions and we have been on #5 for like 3 days but is really hilarial! Now I'm txting on my celly telly:) I wish my fruzcuz Morgan could come over tommorow but she can't because she has a tennis match Saturday:( and we were going to watch the scary movie "The Ring" but I want to see it with her b/c we have been talking about it for a looooong time and I really wanted her to come but oooooo well, I guess I will just have to wait:()
Monday, March 15, 2010
So I had softball tonight and it was pretty fun. We had to run some but you know how that is, it aint THAT bad. My stomach really hurts now and im very tired now. At school we also got new connections. My new connection is Music:( I dont like the teacher in there. She is annoying but I guess I will just have to live with her for nine weeks......thats a really long time but i dont care. Well Bye, BrItTnEy!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
*Today 3-14-10*
Just realized today was Pi day so well HAPPY Pi DAY!!! Today I went to church and it was really fun and I got to see Morgan and everyone and I saw GAIL!!! I love that girl she is so sweet, beautiful, funny, and crazy!! At Sunday School we ate some Bojangles. Them biscuits were sooooo good:9. I had a sausage one. Then after church we went to Movie Gallery and got some good movies. We got Where the Red Fern Grows, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the original version of Annie, Paranormal Activity, My Sisters Keeper, Around the World in 80 Days, and The Ring. I cant wait to watch The Ring, it is suppose to be really scary. Morgan and I are probably going to watch it this Friday and Im a little scared ^o^ lol, but I still cant wait!!! Now I am home and isnt sure what to do.........!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Hello Peoples, My name is Brittney Drake! I am a 7th grader at Elbert County! Thats in Georgia if you didnt know where the best town with the best people are! I have lots of great, wonderful, and caring friends! Some of them are my sisters (Amber, Caitlin, and Dayna Drake), Morgan (other furziny girl)Pless, Kallie Craft, Marlee Thomas, Mariafernanda Alcade, and lots more!:) I ♥ them! I also have a wonderful family that love and care for me! I like to have my own personality and I love everyone:) TTYL
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