Came to live and love on March 6, 1997 brown hair, green eyes Living Life at its Fullest Great friend Puts God as #1 BRITTNEY aka Other Fruziny Girl
Friday, June 18, 2010
BUSY Week!
This week i have been so very busy, Im not even kidding. I has been softball pretty much 24/7 because we practice 4 hours every single day! Well except for Saturday and Sunday( Thank God:) lol. We practice 2 hours in the morning and night, hitting in the morning and fielding in the evening! I think we are doing very good because we rarely have many mistakes and thats great!! We all an all-star team for Elbert County and we have 11 people on the team. We are all really all wonderful softball players and think we have a good chance of our winnings! Hopefully=) My sister Caitlin is also on an all- star team but they are a league under us and havent even starting practicing yet! Lucky! Well at least I got one break from this week and during it i went to SIX FLAGS!!! I absolutely love that place because im a thriller chick:) So im not scared of ANY roller coasters and Im glad of that because I get to enjoy the fun of any park! Some rides we rode were Goliath, Superman, Batman, Scorcher, Wheelie, Shake Rattle and Roll, umn Hanson Cars, Thunder River, Skull Island, Monster Plantation, Mind Bender, and I think that is about it, there were all so very fun!!!!!!! We even got to ride first on Goliath and it was an absolutely amazing experience to actually see where you are going when you get up to the very top of the hill and then fall so far! It is the longest, fastest, and tallest ride in the whole entire park of Georgia of course and definetly the most thrilling ride in the park! It is so fun and great! Superman man is where you actually ride like you are flying on the coaster and it is also my 2nd favorite ride in the park even though i ♥ them all! The sad part is that we were at the Skull Island and me and Caitlin were about to get to the tallest water slide they have there and we were like second to start the ride but then they started to evacuate because of the darn weather:( i was so upset and sad at the same time. Then we just waited till the weather cleared up and starting riding the roller coasters and but didnt go back to Skull Island bc I think they closed it for the rest of the day! After we left we went to Chick-fil-a and it is my FAVORITE fast food in the world, it is also very yummy and clean too! I got an 8 piece chicken nuggets with some of their famous waffle fries and a diet coke and they were so good, i also got some Polynesian and Honey Mustard sauce that tops everything off and then I got a Cookies and Cream milkshake and them we were off and we went home and went to bed! I had a great week and a fun one at that, but my feet hurt and im gonna get off now! Till next time......................................................PEACE♥
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Fun Times With Laura:))
Hello there again:) This weekend me and my Fruzin Morgan went to our other Fruzins house Laura. She is a really fun spirited woman and very sweet! Anyways.....Friday night me and Morg went over to Lauras house in Anderson, SC and we were suppose to have a blog party but no one really showed up and we all wore these very funny and crazy looking outfits and we looked so cute but funky:) After we got to Lauras house we set up for a yard sale we were going to have the next morning and went to Chick-fil-a and it was so delicious like seriously I absolutely love that place and its so good!!!! What was so cool is that we saw this sign on the table that said that you could get a free milkshake so we did and got one, and they were VERY good! So then we were going out to the car and Laura found out that she had accidently locked her keys in the car so we sat outside of Chick-fil-a. So there we were just sipping out wonderful milkshake I poked a hole in mine on accident. They were still so good very good! Then the next mornig which was Sat. we got up and had a yard sale, it was so much fun. Me and Morgan had a face painting stand which was really cool. We earned some money, may not much but still good:) Then in the afternoon we went to this really fun waterpark and stayed there till 6 and went to Taco Bell and we also rented the movie Alice in Wonderland the 2010 one and it was so good!!!!!!! Sunday (today) we slept in late and then went to the great Goodwill and got some really great deals and buys and it was the half off today which was in better:) We got some cute stuff and it was GREAT!!!!!!! Well till next time..............PEACE=))))))))))!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Swimming and VBS!!!

Hey! I havent been on in quite awhile because I have been so busy. I hope everyone is having a fantastic summer:) I got to see MORGAN!!! We havent seen each other in quite awhile but today we did because after church we went to her house. It was me, Morgan, Camryn, Caitlin, Dayna, and Amber! We swam alllllllllll afternoon and it was so much fun. We also ate some very delicious watermelon that Fran cut, we ate it with some salt and it was soooooooooooo very good!!!! (i ♥ Watermelon) Even though we got a little sunburnt it was still a fun day with fruzinz!!!! We also had VBS tonight at our church tonight and we will have it through Thursday. Our theme is "High Seas Expedition" Exploring the Mighty Love♥ of God:) We go to a church called Dewy Rose Baptist Church, I have gone there all my life! Our VBS is really fun and its in Elerton Georgia, if anyone wants to come! Well I must be going now so ttyl:)
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