Hey! I havent been on in quite awhile because I have been so busy. I hope everyone is having a fantastic summer:) Anyways.....today I got to see MORGAN!!! We havent seen each other in quite awhile but today we did because after church we went to her house. It was me, Morgan, Camryn, Caitlin, Dayna, and Amber! We swam alllllllllll afternoon and it was so much fun. We also ate some very delicious watermelon that Fran cut, we ate it with some salt and it was soooooooooooo very good!!!! (i ♥ Watermelon) Even though we got a little sunburnt it was still a fun day with fruzinz!!!! We also had VBS tonight at our church tonight and we will have it through Thursday. Our theme is "High Seas Expedition" Exploring the Mighty Love♥ of God:) We go to a church called Dewy Rose Baptist Church, I have gone there all my life! Our VBS is really fun and its in Elerton Georgia, if anyone wants to come! Well I must be going now so ttyl:)
Hey Brittney! I wish I could have been there to swim and eat watermelon! It sounded so fun! Also, how do you get the little hearts in there? I haven't been able to figure that out...it's so cute!